Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bursting ideological bubbles with logical ideas, part 1

So my professor was trying to give a lecture on affirmative! Boy was she nervous with two black men in the room! Tried to tell the class there exists something called "reverse discrimination". So when I asked who perpetrates this, she says white people. So how is it reverse? Ain't that just them discriminating against there own as a response to years of racism in the workplace and school? Crickets.....

See, people throw around the term reverse discrimination as if minorities are discriminating against the established power structure. As a minority, we do not posses the power to do this. If we did, we wouldn't allow white people in RnB, or white people into the Bollywood power structure, or any number of other institutions that are predominately minority. No, we cannot perpetrate discrimination. Thus the term reverse discrimination is a misnomer. 

Now, I am no fan of quotas, but I also know that affirmative action ain't discrimination. And I know there is no such thing as reverse racism. Sorry to be a bubble burster!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's been a long time...

So no blogging from me for a while! Reasons, IPad was stolen, I had to finish my undergrad degree, I got passed over for a position at work so I was NOT about to write those feelings out, I started grad school, my daughter graduated 8th grade, shall I go on? Basically, I was lazy! But now I'm back! I promise one a week from now on! Time for me to take this thing seriously! Guest bloggers, sponsors, print media the prints from other works of mine....I'm excited! Let's go!